Perisno Wiki

Zonnows Zonnows 15 August 2014


Okay, so ive been running into a problem with perisno. I have no idea why this happens. The game will be running PERFECTLY. then when i go to battle an army, it suddenly Crashes. Im using the .611 patch, and i have NO IDEA why this happens. Can anyone help me with this? 


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Zonnows Zonnows 2 August 2014


Okay Ladies and Gents of the Perisno Wiki. I am calling to you to help me in something. We need to work on getting more and more pages to make this wiki have more and more information. WE CAN DO THIS. Im not saying to get everything done now. We cant do that, BUT we can try to get as much done as possiable. We need to get items list, for armours, weapons, goods, and horses. We need to get the lord and back stories of Companions. We need to get the lord of lords, and what they do/how they act. there is much much more, but that is the basics we need to get done. start by comming here . 

Thanks, and if you need any help, ask me. 

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