Perisno Wiki
Name Ruler Location Color (Hex) Unit Types
Elintor Queen Arwen Southwest
Green (#10C60A)
Excellent archers & heavy horse archers
Drahara Sultan Yusuf al-Salah Southeast
Purple (#C914FF)
Light infantry & archers, heavy cavalry
Hakkon Empire Emperor Hakkon II South
Yellow (#FAF20B)
Heavy infantry & lancers, crossbowmen
Kaikoth Confederation King Bergnar Southeast
Steel blue (#5F7E90)
Heavy Infantry & crossbowmen
Kingdom of Perisno (Player Kingdom) Player Anywhere Any Archers, infantry, and cavalry
Kingdom of Tolrania King Torlian West
Red (#D50B0B)
Heavy infantry & archers
Maccavia Agathor Krex Northwest
Blue (#1B7EEF)
Heavy infantry & crossbowmen
Realm of the Falcon Field Marshall Gunnar Southwest
Yellow-green (#A9DC1D)
Cavalry and excellent horse archers
Reich des Drachen Kaiser Otto IV Northeast
Orange (#FF6600)
Heavy cavalry
Valahir Clan King Ingveld North
Brown (#B6750D)
Heavy infantry & archers
Zann Dynasty Emperor Zann Mandate of Heaven (Invading)
Black (#010101)
Infantry, archers & horse archers
Cretas Monarchy King Aolas Between Drachen and Drahara
Sut Giants Northeast, In "Reich Mountains" Heavy Infantry & archers
Bakhal Giants Far East

Updated page is WIP.
